Meander Valley Gazette

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A plucking good weekend

Taka from Japn playing a handpan came from Hong Kong to join in Stringfest

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IT MIGHT not have been the Austrian Alps, but the town of Deloraine was ‘alive with the sound of music’ at the recent ‘Stringfest’ festival.

Talent poured into the town from as far away as Ireland and Japan and from all over the mainland. 2000 plus visitors enjoyed the buskers as well as the programmed concerts and other live performances.

Music as diverse as chamber, through to rhythm and blues was played, plus some rarely seen instruments, such as the ‘handpan’ and ‘Tramsmash Lap Steel UXB’ were present. Event organiser Nick Weare said “how wonderful it was to see so many people enjoying the relaxed atmosphere”, and he noted that some visitors had made plans to attend next year’s festival.

Barry, Eddie, Ken, Russell, Peter et al, had the pleasure of playing impromptu by the river; driven by the wish to raise funds for the people in Vanuatu affected by cyclone Pam. They raised $120 and thank all who donated.