A vision to revive Deloraine

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THE PAST few years have proved challenging for the township of Deloraine.

Despite some wonderful annual events that fill the footpaths with thousands of visitors, the many shuttered shops spoke of an economic malaise not easily shaken nor hidden from view.

A revival, however, seems to be underway. Several buildings on the main street of Emu Bay Road have recently been purchased and re-furbished by the Durham family, with many of the once-empty premises being quickly leased out to retail businesses.

“It was a commercial opportunity too good to miss,” said Dennis Durham Senior, “which is why we purchased the Empire Arcade and the former Harris building in Deloraine.”

Although the family lives on the mainland, they often come to Tasmania to stay on their property in Mole Creek.

“We have had a strong connection with the state for a long time.

One of our Australian operations supplies cast iron manhole covers, galvanised crates and frames, and precast concrete pits to Tasmania. Our many visits have helped us to appreciate what is on offer here,” Dennis explained with fervour.

“Our heart is in Tasmania and we want to engage with the locals and do things that help rejuvenate the community, for the community.”

True to their word, the Durham Family have given over the recently re-painted Harris building to headquarter Stringfest 2015.

“When Nick Weare approached us”, said Dennis, “we thought it was a fantastic idea and were only too happy to help. The building is in a great location and the perfect place for what has become known as ‘Stringfest Central’ – the operations hub of the event for this year.

Deloraine and the region have so much to offer. We love the river, the rainfall, the community. We always look forward to coming here”, he concluded.


Electorate office opens in Deloraine