Meander Valley Gazette

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Ecological, affordable co-housing

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DELORAINE E.A.CH: (Ecological, Affordable, Co-Housing) is a new group in the early stages of a proposal to build accommodation units including long-term rental options with a difference in Deloraine.

They are inviting others to join in this exciting new venture.

Not a new concept to Tasmania, Cascade Co-housing in Hobart will celebrate 21 years on 15th April. It was Australia’s first co-housing community, and many more have followed.

A co-housing community is composed of private homes supplemented with shared facilities.

Each community is planned, owned and managed by the residents, who also share activities, which may include cooking, dining, child care, gardening, and governance of the community. Co-housing facilitates interaction among neighbours for social, practical, economic and environmental benefits. There is much discussion still to be had to decide the best legal structure and design, requiring ongoing input from potential residents, investors and any one else interested.

The scheme aims to provide long-term tenure in independent dwellings.

The properties would be designed to provide easy level access for all ages and abilities and sited to provide maximum visual and sound privacy with personal, private outdoor space.

There will also be a Common House that provides shared facilities including communal kitchen, dining and meeting space. E.A.C.H. intends for homes to be built from Hempcrete and designed using the most energy efficient options available.

If this idea is of interest to you, E.A.C.H is holding an information evening at the Western Tiers Community Club, (33A Parsonage St, Deloraine) at 6pm Thursday, 30th April. Everyone is welcome.

For further information, please contact Lisa Yeates on 6313 3204 or 0427 283 403.