Fishing news

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APRIL IS officially the last month of this season for Brown Trout in Tasmanian waters, except for a few remaining designated waters left open all year which include Huntsman Lake, Brushy Lagoon and certain parts of Great Lake.

Designated Rainbow Trout waters stay open for another month.

The good news is, Trout seem a little easier to catch as they like to put on a bit more condition prior to spawning. Most methods work when it comes to bringing them undone, as with Autumn usually come the rains and the good old garden worm is just as good a bait to use for those who like this style of laid-back fishing.

You will, however, need to check your License guide as to which waters you can bait fish. Most rivers are generally still safe and the Meander is usually a safe bet to chuck a worm into, especially on a rainy day - even better if you can catch it on the rise.

In the salt, there are still heaps of Flathead about in the Tamar and at Port Sorell.

The King George Whiting are still hanging around the Kelso and George Town area of the Tamar.

A Paternoster rig with some pipis or squid strips should be the go with a run out tide in about 3 - 3 1/2 metres of water. These fish are an excellent table fish and are much sought after for their exceptional eating qualities.

The East Coast game fishing side of things heats up at this time of year; there are already reports of several species of tuna caught at Eagle Hawk Neck. If you are new to the sport of fishing, or want to check on license requirements,

Inland Fisheries Tasmania is a good start. Visit


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