Meander Valley Gazette

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Take the trauma out of technology

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JOIN ABC Open Producer Leandro Palacio for a series of 3 free sessions at Deloraine Online to learn how to make a short video.

The course is for beginners, and the videos can be made with your smartphone, tablet or camera.

The sessions are scheduled for Tuesday 21st April, Tuesday 28th April and Thursday 30th April; all 10am – 12:30pm

You will learn how to write a simple script, shoot and edit the video using free apps and publish the story on the ABC  Open website.

To book your place call 6362 3537.

Also on offer is a range of short courses that will be running at Deloraine Online during May. May 6th - The Finer Points of Facebook: how to upload photos in a status, how to create a photo album and a closed group page - beneficial for sharing family photos and information not seen by everybody else’s friends.

May 13th - Anatomy of a Camera: How to take  advantage of the manual functions of your camera. Take your camera out of automatic and learn to play!

May 20th: A Look Into Microsoft Office – a brief tour of what Office can do, including using a template and how to download a freeware version of Office.

All May workshops are 2 hours duration 10am–12pm on Wednesdays; $10, $7 conc, $5 registered users. Call 6362 3537 to book your place or email