Meander Valley Gazette

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Tributes for valued colleague

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IN FEBRUARY this year, we said goodbye to Mr Michael ‘Mike’ Pel and his wife Tracie, who both tragically died in a motorcycle accident. Mike was a highly regarded and valuable Meander Valley Council employee. He was a hardworking, dedicated Works supervisor, based at Westbury for 16 years.

As Works supervisor, Mike was more than just a ‘boss’- he was a mate to all those who worked with him. His works team could count on his friendship as well as 110 per cent leadership.

Mike took great pride in maintaining Meander Valley’s recreational facilities and streetscapes under his charge to a meticulous standard.

He was well known and respected by all those who frequented Prospect Vale Park as well as those connected with the recreational grounds in his care.

Mike was a valued member of the football family, umpiring both Victory League and Northern Premier League matches.

He was a passionate member of the Meander Valley Townscapes and Reserves and Parks committee, advising on the development, maintenance and improvement of streetscapes and open spaces.

Mike played an integral part in helping Westbury become Tasmania’s 2015 Tidy Town.

Michael died doing one of the things he loved in life, riding his motorbike with his much-loved wife, Tracie.

We knew him as a colleague, a mentor and a mate… He will be remembered for his good will and kindness, his community spirit and his mateship.

Deepest sympathies and condolences are with sons Josh and Benjamin, family and friends.