Meander Valley Gazette

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Youth Survey

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THE DELORAINE Youth Community Survey is a chance for young people in the community to have their voices heard by people who care about them. Facilitated by the Deloraine Baptist

Church and youth service providers in the community, the survey aims to capture a snapshot of what life is like for young people in the Deloraine area: their hopes, hurts, needs and interests. Youth Consultancy Officer, Emily Parsons, is passionate about making the Deloraine area a community where young people can flourish, a place of safety and security and a place that they are proud to call their home. The survey is open to high school students.

Participants can enter the draw to win their choice of: cinema tickets (with snacks & drinks), $40 iTunes gift card, or a $40 Deloraine on the Move voucher.

It is live online from the 17th April to the 8th May. The survey link is

Help us work with young people to make our community a better place for everyone.

For more information please contact Emily at: