It was a great day to be sure

Gayna Whitcombe of Legana and her sister Dawn Proctor of Hobart

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APRIL 2015 |

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IT WAS a great day to be sure, for birthday girl, Gayna Whitcombe, of Legana and her sister, Dawn Proctor, of Hobart ,who joined the Colonial Strollers at the Westbury Irish Festival. In excess of 1500 people attended, despite the less than welcoming weather. The attractions included everything from sheep shearing to Irish dancing, food, music, Irish wolfhounds, parades of steam engines and the Tractors of Yesteryear Social Club (TOYS). And not a snake was to be seen as St Patrick graced the Village Green.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#0c0c0c"] Mike Moores


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