Meander Valley Gazette

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Big plans for Hagley Store

Adam and Consa Boscoe

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ENERGY AND enthusiasm is in plentiful supply for new owners of the Hagley General Store, Adam and Consa Boscoe.

They took over 12 weeks ago and, in that time, have signed a new contract with Australia Post. Formerly earmarked for closure, the Hagley Post Office will now go electronic and offer new services such as banking.

Moving to Tasmania from Brisbane, both Consa and Adam have previous careers in management for Woolworths.

The shift to Tasmania for the Boscoes was prompted by a desire to provide a better life for their 3 year old son, Dakota.

“Working for Woolworths, we were not seeing much of him; 15-16 hour days plus on call 24/7 left little time for family life,” shared Adam.

The couple find life in Hagley quite different; “it’s a slowdown”, says Consa.

They have big plans for the store, the first of which they were implementing on the day Meander Valley Gazette visited; sandwich and drink specials for $5 were already attracting some new customers.

They will bring a new food aisle into the store, as well as a place to sit and eat. “We know we can never compete with Woolies or Coles”, says Consa, “but we aim to have a little of everything so people can get what they need here.”

Adam and Consa are also keen to support local producers and have begun selling some locally grown vegetables as well as produce from Tasmanian Natural Garlic & Tomatoes, Selbourne, and Hazelbrae hazelnut products.

When asked what they most enjoy about their new store Adam and Consa reply in chorus, “the people; we feel so supported here.”