Grammar girl to Gallipoli

Rachel Gregory winner Anzac Centenary Competition

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[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores

MEANDER VALLEY will have at least one representative at the Gallipoli Centenary Ceremony.

Grade 12 student, Rachel Gregory, from Western Creek entered a federally funded essay competition last year and is one of seven Tasmanian students chosen to attend.

Originally from Scotland, Rachel developed her interest in ANZAC through school. She says, “Launceston Grammar has a really good archive system; I was able to read diary entries of the soldiers that went to our school and letters they’d sent. You get such a connection with them and learn a lot from them about our country and our state”.

She was particularly impressed by Private Price Jacob Morgan, who attended Launceston Grammar; he was the first Tasmanian soldier to be enrolled in the military college at Duntroon.

Her interest in ANZAC is long standing. Rachel was runner-up in the ‘Simpson’s Prize’ when she entered it in grade 9, narrowly missing out on going to Gallipoli that year.

Flying to Istanbul in mid- April, students will spend time exploring sights like the Blue Mosque, ruins of Troy, Grand Bazaar, Silk and Spice Markets before travelling to sights of ANZAC significance where history comes to life.

Rachel says the highlight of the trip will be the 25th of April, “On Anzac Day we are having the big ceremony at Gallipoli, then walking up to Lone Pine and having another ceremony. Prince Charles, Prince Harry and Tony Abbott are going to be there”


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