beyondblue Fundraiser

[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][vc_custom_heading text="beyondblue Fundraiser" font_container="tag:h2|font_size:40|text_align:left" google_fonts="font_family:Abril%20Fatface%3Aregular|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal"][vc_column_text]MAY 2015 |

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INDEPENDENT AUSTRALIAN non-profit organisation, beyondblue, is working to address issues associated with depression, anxiety disorders and related mental disorders.

beyondblue works in partnership with health services, schools, workplaces, universities, media and community organisations, as well as people living with anxiety and depression, and their friends and family, to raise community awareness of anxiety and depression and reduce associated stigma.

The Deloraine Football Club, in conjunction with the Rotary Club of Deloraine, the Deloraine Hospital and beyondblue, will be holding a community event to help raise awareness of depression and anxiety disorders in the community, at and after  their home game vs Scottsdale Football Club on Saturday, 23rd of May 2015. The day will also raise funds for beyondblue.

The special guest at this Community event is Troy Luff, former Sydney Swans Premiership player and current sport  presenter on Weekend Sunrise.

Troy is a beyondblue ambassador and will be attending the football, and presenting a talk during the evening at the  Club.

This will be a family friendly event, and the entire Deloraine community is invited to attend. The Football Club and Rotary Deloraine will be conducting a raffle through the day, along with auctioning some football memorabilia to  raise funds for the important work of beyondblue


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