Meander Valley Gazette

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All aboard for some serious fun

Deloraine Flames Dragon Boat Team practice session[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][vc_custom_heading text="All aboard for some serious fun" font_container="tag:h2|font_size:40|text_align:left" google_fonts="font_family:Abril%20Fatface%3Aregular|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal"][vc_column_text]


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THE DELORAINE Flames Dragon Boat Club extend an open invitation for people to come and join in the fun on the river on Sunday mornings.

They meet by the Meander River in Deloraine at 9:45 am fora fifteen minute warm up before hitting the water.

“It’s good all-over exercise”, says Andy Dunn, the team’s Sweep, adding, “we have a lot of fun and learn about teamwork at the same time.”

Peter Ashton started Dragon Boating in Deloraine; he hopes that eventually there will be several Meander Valley teams that compete.

“It’s all thanks to Peter Ashton; he’s the driving force behind it all”, says Andy.

Traditionally, Dragon Boats have 20 paddlers, but the Deloraine team decided to trial some 10 paddler boats that are easier to manoeuvre in smaller waterways, ‘Sweep’ Andy directs the team, so they all start together; the front All aboard for some serious fun two paddlers are the stroke setters; and a drummer sits in front of them, beating a drum to help keep strokes even.

For the more competitive, there are regattas held in Launceston and Hobart as well as championships held at Lake Barrington each year.

The Deloraine boats have been designed so that the dragon heads and tails can be removed.

Andy says you don’t need much practice to be able to compete, you just need to get the timing right so paddles don’t clash.

Everyone over the age of 12 is warmly invited to attend a Sunday morning session.

The cost is $5 to cover equipment. For info call 0409 234 061.
