Meander Valley Gazette

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Emphasis on being the best they can be

Benjamin Frerk Principal Deloraine High School 2015 Benjamin Frerk Principal Deloraine High School 2015

Benjamin Frerk Principal Deloraine High School 2015


MAKING SURE all students are treated as individuals and leave the school with a clear direction for their future is a priority for new Principal of Deloraine High School, Benjamin Frerk.

This is Benjamin’s first appointment as Principal.

Previously he spent time as acting principal at Exeter High School; Assistant Principal at both Exeter and Scottsdale High Schools; and as a teacher at Queechy and Kings Meadows High Schools.

“I’d heard a lot of good things about the school and thought it would be a great place for me to take on the role of Principal”, comments Benjamin.

He is working to raise literacy  and numeracy levels at Deloraine and has a broader goal, “to raise the aspirations of every single kid we have here at the school and the self belief that they can actually achieve better.”

Strategies used to achieve this include investing in teaching staff.

Benjamin elaborates, “It’s all about building capacity amongst our teachers to be the best possible teachers they can and to make sure that translates into the best possible opportunities for kids in classrooms.”

Data is used to inform how students are performing and to develop intervention plans where needed. Data also highlights the areas where Deloraine High is functioning above average.

“One thing we focus on heavily here is differentiation”, says Benjamin, adding, “we want to make sure that we are providing authentic realistic opportunities for every single learner, so they see the value within their education and their further development.”

Providing a comfortable learning environment is paid careful attention, ensuring temperature and ambience are conducive to learning.

The school is structured differently to many high  schools, in that the teachers change classrooms between lessons rather than the students.

Benjamin says this leads to a more focused learning environment.

The average class size is twenty three, and a range of practical, as well as academic subjects are on offer.

Benjamin says that he has never been to a school where interest in music has been so strong. Many of the 244  students play music, compose their own songs and even make their own instruments.

As Principal, he welcomes parental involvement in the school and encourages parents to join the association, come and speak with teachers, or talk to him to question what is going on.

Benjamin says he notices “very supportive parents here”, further commenting, “education is everyone’s’s not just the teachers here, it’s the parents at home, it’s the people in the community.”

Benjamin intends that when students leave Deloraine High, “they know that they can question what is around them and can look for further avenues to up-skill and be productive members of the community.

Photo | Mike Moores