Moving pictures

Leandro Palacio Producer, Northern Tasmania ABC OPEN and Mrs Jacqueline ThomsonLeandro Palacio Producer, Northern Tasmania ABC OPEN and Mrs Jacqueline Thomson

Leandro Palacio Producer, Northern Tasmania ABC OPEN and Mrs Jacqueline Thomson


THE ABC came to Deloraine in the form of the incredible, tall, Leandro (Leo) Palacio.

Leo is the ‘Open’ producer for Northern Tasmania and his mission is to instruct mere mortals in the art of producing short videos showing how we entertain ourselves.

Some of these videos will be aired on ABC television.

In revealing the basic steps of video production, Leo opens a fascinating insight into the world of television.

He showed how to construct a script, follow it on a story board, and use a variety of camera angles.

Using smart phones, tablets or digital cameras, it is possible to produce acceptable short ‘films’ at little or no cost and highlight the pastimes and hobbies that we find so absorbing in our daily lives.

Leo states that age is no barrier to creativity.

Young school children and people in their eighties have, and are producing, lively and entertaining short films using the techniques shown in this short but intensive workshop.

 The free workshop held at the Deloraine Online Centre has fired the imagination of a dedicated number of enthusiasts.

Telling your story can not only be very fulfilling but might serve as an insight to future generations of your family.

Video is fast becoming the twenty first century preferred mode of communication.

For those interested in attending beginner classes in making short videos (30 seconds) please register your interest with Deloraine Online Centre on 6362 3537 (or drop in). When numbers are sufficient another course will be organised.

Photo | Mike Moores


Female convicts remembered


Emphasis on being the best they can be