Meander Valley Gazette

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'Nellie' carved her way into history


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MAY 2015 |

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ELLEN NORA Payne, a prolific woodcarver, was born at Westfield in Westbury, Tasmania 1865 and died in 1962.

Her life and work will be celebrated in various venues around Westbury from 9th October through to 2nd November 2015.

Ellen carved numerous pieces throughout her life, notably the magnificent altar and screens in the Anglican Church, Westbury and exhibited at the 1907 Australian Exhibition of Women’s Work, for which she was awarded numerous prizes.

2015 will mark 150 years since the birth of ‘Nellie’ Payne. As Nellie carved many of this State’s WW1 honour rolls, it is especially fitting that 2015 be the year to celebrate her work.

Anyone with connections to Nellie, including photographs, references to any pieces she carved, anything at all that can help tell the story of this truly remarkable woman, are asked to please contact Pam Swain 6393 1153 or email

 R Menzie