Road safety for toddlers

Toddle Inn 

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TODDLE INN Childcare Centre in Deloraine has been giving children in the Meander Valley a head start in life for 15 years.

Toddle Inn is a non-forprofit, community-based and managed centre with a warm, friendly and educational environment for the kids.

Its Director, Julie Purdon, was pleased for the opportunity to discuss and promote its values.

“We cater for children aged 0-5 years. The centre offers a long day care service for families in a warm and caring atmosphere,” Julie said.

She continues, “Toddle Inn recognises the value and importance of early learning and encourages independence and learning through play in a social setting.”

Such initiatives include the  recently upgraded bike track, designed to teach our children road safety rules.

This came about as a result of the centre being part of the  Move Well Eat Well programwhich is a government award program managed by the Department of Health and Human Services.

“One of the criteria for this, ‘strive and ride’, inspired us to  revamp our bike track,” Julie said.

They bought several new bikes and installed stop and go signs, traffic lights and a pedestrian crossing in order to look like a real roadway.

“Road safety is a real part  of our curriculum,” Julie said.

She adds, “RACT have visited to educate children and families on traveling safely in cars.”

The children love the experience and look forward to the centre’s bikes coming out on a daily basis.

Several times a year they also do a bike week such as  the one coming up in June for which children are encouraged to bring their own bikes and helmets.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores



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