Meander Valley Gazette

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Tyler Village residents get to tour the town

Tyler Villiage, new bus, Faye Lamprey,  Leisure and Lifestyle worker;  Selwyn Stubbings, resident;  and Marcus Man, Carer. 

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RESIDENTS AND staff were hopping on the footpath with excitement as Tyler Village Aged Care Home in Prospect Vale took delivery of its new bus.

With seats for eight people and room for a wheelchair, the bus represents a new era in service delivery for Tyler Village.

The national standard is to offer residents two outings per month.

Until now, all outings have had to use taxis for transport, often proving a difficult and expensive exercise.

Sue Atkinson, Social Care Manager, successfully applied to Tasmanian Community Fund and received $40,000 to purchase the bus. Island Care chipped in $27,000 to install a wheel chair lift.

Island Care Facility Manager, Sarah Chong, and Brett Menzies, Director of Care, accepted the keys of the new bus from Lola Cowle, Executive Officer of Tasmanian Community Fund.

Meander Valley Council Mayor, Craig Perkins, supported the application and was at the reception to join in the celebratory morning tea.

The bus will enable dedicated volunteers to take some time out for thank you lunches and community members with Alzheimer’s will be offered a pick up service to join in the Tyler Village activity program. Visiting other aged care  homes is also on the agenda.

‘It’s just going to make life so much easier’, says Sue Atkinson.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores