Meander Valley Gazette

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44 years of Inner Wheel

INNER WHEEL is one of the largest women’s organisations in the world with clubs in almost every Country .

The first Inner Wheel Club was established in Manchester in 1924. Since then, clubs have formed across the globe, the first one in Australia being in Ballarat.

The emblem is a small wheel contained within the Rotary Wheel, hence the name ‘Inner Wheel’.

In 1968 the Australian National Council was formed and is represented at the Internationa lInner Wheel Board meetings and, in 1969, became Inner Wheel Australia.

Australian Clubs are divided into 15 districts with Tasmania known as District A80.

In 2006/07 Deloraine member, Judith Chamberlain became the Club’s first District Chairperson.

A National Conference is held each year in a different District, and in 2012 Tasmania hosted the Conference;almost 400 members and their partners attended.

ROSE OF FRIENDSHIP In 1957 the Inner Wheel Club of Kalmar in Sweden was chartered. The President from another club gave congratulations to the new Club with one red rose which was all that Club could afford.

One visiting member was so enthusiastic about this idea, that she took it back to her Club in Denmark, where it was adopted as a symbol of Friendship, Gratitude and Love. This has now spread all around the world and a Red Rose of Friendship is now the symbol of Inner Wheel.

INNER WHEEL CLUB OF DELORAINE In February 2015 the Inner Wheel Club of Deloraine celebrated the 44th Anniversary of their Charter as a Club. To celebrate, a Luncheon was held. Members from most of the other Inner Wheel Clubs in District A80 (Tasmania) attended.

Over the past 44 years members have been active in the community, raising funds for many different projects, including the three Gazebos on the eastern side of the Meander River, the Barbecues at Rotary Park, trees, roses and other floral tributes, many picnic tables and seats around the town and at the cemetery. Donations have been made to Grenoch, Kanangra, Giant Steps, Yarns, Junior Drama Festival, St Giles, Clifford Craig Foundation and Schools in the Deloraine  district amongst many others.