Still telling a yarn

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JUNE 2015 | Meander Valley Council

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YARNS - ARTWORK in Silk, celebrated its 20th birthday on Sunday 3rd May.

20 years on and ‘Yarns’, a story woven around a valley, is still drawing visitors and locals into the landscapes and lifestyles of the Meander Valley community.

The artwork was created by more than 300 community members using both hand and machine embroidery and textile techniques.

1,000,000 stiches and 10,000 hours in the making, the soft sculpture comprises of four silk panels, depicting each season.

Original contributors Lexie Young and Niecy Brown were on hand to present ‘Yarns Past’ and ‘Yarns Future’, respectively, to the 90 plus audience on the day.

Niecy Brown, Artistic Director, is still passionate about Yarns saying, “It was the most marvellous project to work on because it really did bring our community together in such a positive way.”

“What we produced is of outstanding quality and recognised by the Australia Council for the Arts, the major supporter, as a project of national significance”, said Niecy.

Housed in a purpose-built auditorium at the Great Western Tiers Visitor Centre in Deloraine, it consists of enough thread to circle the world several times.

An audio presentation runs every half an hour from 9.30am to 4:00pm, 7 days a week.

The presentation, with lighting effects, provides information about what the panels depict and how and why they were made.

“‘Yarns’ has done a great deal for us already”, said Niecy.

“I believe that it has the potential to assist Tasmania in attracting visitors from all around the world.

“I would love to see one of the 4 panels travel to China and other locations as a showcase of our glorious attractions.

“We like to dream big in this neck of the woods”, she said.

Mr Ned Terry and his wife Margaret were a major driving force behind the three year-long endeavour.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#0c0c0c"] Mike Moores


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