Meander Valley Gazette

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44 years of delivering daily dinners

Emma and Bev Meals on Wheels

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JULY 2015 | Wendy Laing

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ONE OF THE founding members of Deloraine Meals on Wheels, Bev Jordan is handing in the co-ordinator towel, to her grandaughter, Emma Langley.

The branch began forty four years ago in 1971.

During that time, she has been State President and Treasurer, Deloraine President for six years and Deloraine Treasurer-Coordinator for 38 years.

Bev has achieved Life Membership of both the State Board and Deloraine’s Meals on Wheels and was a recipient of the Rotary Club Paul Harris Fellowship award.

Bev has also received a number of Meander Valley volunteer awards.

Although she will continue as a volunteer meals deliverer, she has retired from her executive position and handed the reins of Treasurer- Coordinator to her granddaughter, Emma.

Mrs Jordan has fond memories of Emma going on deliveries with her in a carry basket when she was a baby.

Mrs Jordan and Emma have found that clients welcome a friendly chat and a nutritious meal, and added they often do other things, such as bringing in rubbish bins and posting letters.

“I like helping in this way,” she explained.

Although deliverers of these meals are usually in the older age group, Meals on Wheels is hoping to attract younger ones to their program.

Emma explained that over a three-month period, the hours that volunteers work could be flexible for each individual.When delivering the food, they work in pairs and drivers receive petrol vouchers.

Mrs Jordan also shared that some families belonging to the Church of Latter Day Saints have volunteered their help with Meals on Wheels.

This has often involved young children who gain insight into volunteering and how it can benefit the community.

If you would like to learn more about becoming either a volunteer or a client, please contact Emma on 0400 134 511 for further information.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores