Meander Valley Gazette

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Aspiring Ashley artists paint pie van

Ashley Youth Detention Centre Lions Food Van Refurb Glimar Man in centre Robbie tutor

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JULY 2015 | Marguerite McNeill

FUN, BRIGHT and unforgettable. What was once a rather nondescript colourless van has had a major makeover and you’ll never miss it again.

The Deloraine Lions Club food and drinks van is back in town sporting a yawning lion’s mouth, a styled mural signposting Meander Valley place names, a historical theme and the Lions logo.

The sparkling van was unveiled at Ashley Youth Detention Centre last month where young people involved in the project joined invited guests and staff to sample food from the van and admire the eye-catching artwork.

Ashley programme coordinator Ben Burbury said that the project funded by Deloraine Lions in partnership with the centre had involved one girl and about 10 boys aged from 10 to 18 years old.

He said participants had enjoyed learning new skills while creating something that would benefit the community.

“This (the painting project) is a perfect illustration”, Mr Burbury said. “It helps make connections.”

As well as supplying the blank canvas “van” for painting, Deloraine Lions provided $3500 towardsthe project that was carried out under the guidance of contract artist Robi Glimar from Hobart.

Mr Glimar designed the artwork and worked with the Ashley group over a period of three weeks to jazz up the van.

A regular visitor over the past four years Robi has also worked with young people to design and paint a number of large artworks in the units at Ashley.

Airbrushing is a process that mixes air with paint and is then applied finely in successive layers to achieve the final finish.

Mr Glimar believes that the process of successive layering is a good example of how art can be used to teach life skills.

“It’s a process that can apply out in the world, in our lives,” he said.

“This project is a win for everyone.”

Deloraine Lions Club members agree.

They are thrilled with the revamped van that is used for numerous occasions throughout the year.

He said that it was something the young people could take pride in and tell others they helped to create. Deloraine Lions has supported the local community for more than 30 years and is dedicated to the Lions International motto ‘We Serve’.

Now the colourful van brings attention to the club’s own motto that is aptly worded ‘Home of Hospitality’.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores