Meander Valley Gazette

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Little Theatre, very big sound

Jaqui Stacey and Ian Howard unpack the new sound system for the performing arts cenre

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JULY 2015 | Joanne Eisemann

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ANOTHER MILESTONE in the partnership between multi-media Studio Be, and the folks who’ve brought back to Deloraine “Saturday Night at the Movies” – the Western Tiers Film Society - was marked recently.

With a new screen, projector and Blu-Ray player already installed to create a cinema within the Little Theatre, Studio Be decided to gift the new sound system to the Film Society in recognition of their commitment to community arts. It was also a celebration of the partnership that is bringing films and film festivals to the community on a regular basis.

Valued at $2400, the Onkyo 5-piece suite of speakers, receiver and sub-woofer will give Studio Be the chance to experiment with multidimensional sound tracks, allow film audiences to be immersed in surround-sound, and provide future computer gaming conferences with the same superior audio experience.

With installation already underway, the Society is aiming to have it in place for their August screening of the acclaimed Australian film ‘Charlie’s Country’, and is keen to monitor the audience response to this new addition to the Little Theatre cinema experience.

For information about WTFS membership, contact westerntiersfilmsociety@

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores