Sharing Science

Science Fair DDH with DDP Oscar Reeve-Palmer Gr 8 Faith Rouse Gr 4 Abbie gr 8

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JULY 2015 | 

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A GRADE 8 Science teacher at Deloraine District High School is encouraging her pupils to understand the subject using creative means.

Leanne Wickham recently organised Science Fairs for the Grade 3/4 students at the nearby Deloraine Primary School.

Grade 8 classes were linked with a primary class who along with their teachers visited the High School for some fun and games in the world of science.

The theme was ‘Kitchen Chemistry’. Workstations based around the theme were constructed by Grade 8’s for their Grade 3/4 ‘pupils’ to engage with.

Primary students were involved in a variety of hands on tasks including making sherbet, making a cyclone in a bottle, and creating some elephant’s toothpaste.

Grade 8 Students did a wonderful job of making their workstations engaging for the Primary students.

The Primary students thoroughly enjoyed this experience and gave excellent feedback to the Grade 8 students.

It was a delightful experience for everyone involved.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores


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