Meander Valley Gazette

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Skilling up for rural career

xavier hann 19 of westbury and brody kelleher 18 of deloraine on the course for 4 weeks half way through rural skills

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JULY 2015 | 

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A 100% ATTENDANCE record and other successful outcomes encouraged Youth Futures, a registered training organisation, and Meander Valley Primary Health Services to repeat the Rural Skills development program offered in 2014.

Last year, ten participants ranging in age from 16 to 50 years, attended. This year the course is catering for six participants aged 16 to 28 years.

The course will run for two days per week over eight weeks at two different venues: Westbury Town Common and Entally Estate.

Attendees will gain training and qualifications in a range of rural skills or skill sets such as work safety and chemical handling as well as chain saw and machinery operation.

The programs are tailored to job marketplace requirements as based on conversations with potential employers.

Last year three participants gained work as a direct result of the course. One of the organisers Meander Valley Community Health worker, Nate Austen, suspects that others may have gained employment since completing the program.

Youth Futures also acts as an employment contractor for some seasonal work and so is able to offer work to participants when it becomes available.

Employers looking for staff with this type of training can call Nate on 6701 2156 or email Nathan. for more information.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores