Best of British

Golfer at the British Open

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August 2015 | 

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ONE OF THE main fixtures on Deloraine Golf Club’s calendar, the ‘British Open’ was recently enjoyed by a field of 67 players.

Stephen and Robin Green, new proprietors of the British Hotel, were welcomed by President Errol Bakes, along with players and visitors.

Errol thanked Stephen and Robin for their support and commented that the ‘British Open’ has been an annual event for twenty years and always attracts a large field.

The British Hotel also provided a barbecue for the players.

The winning team consisted of locals Grady Boxhall, Shaun Toohey and visitors Peter Nielsen and Nathan Marshall, who turned in an impressive score of 56.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores


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