Meander Valley Gazette

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No glass ceiling at the Craft Fair

Maree Matanie Craft Fair Director 2nd crop

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AUGUST 2015 | Wendy Laing

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DEDICATED TO the Deloraine Craft Fair, Maree Matanle is in her second term as Director.

Held annually, the Fair is recognised as being the largest display, sale and working demonstration of arts and crafts in Australia.

Part of her job description, she said, “was listening to ideas for artists and craft people.”

“We want to develop Tasmanian interest and broaden people’s knowledge about different types of art outside the norm,” she elaborated.

This is now the Fair’s 35th year in Deloraine. It began in 1981 and has grown from only a few craft stalls to the 220 that will be on display this year. During this time Rotary, as its management, has raised and given over three million dollars to the community.

All the Deloraine Rotary members volunteer their time to make this Fair a success. “We would not be able to cope without our volunteers, service clubs and schools, and sponsors,” Mrs Matanle said.

She also researches to invite diverse artists to demonstrate their talents at this event. This further develops people’s arts and crafts knowledge.

This year’s featured artists will include Franklin’s Wooden Boat Centre, which will be giving hands on demonstrations for both adults and children, and Pamela Skurulis, a glass artist from Latrobe, whose love for Australia shines through every piece of glass she fires in her kiln.

Emily Valentine Bullock will also be there. She works with feathers to make interesting animals and clothing. Last September, she won “Garment with most ‘WOW’ Factor” at the World of Wearable Art in Wellington, New Zealand.

The Premier of Tasmania, Mr Will Hodgman, is hoping to open the fair on Friday, 30th October. The fair continues until 2nd November.

For more information, contact Maree Matanle by phone: 0402 692 066 or email

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores