Tas network fly over poles

Tas Networks Helicopter fire mitigation photographing poles

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AUGUST 2015 | 

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IF YOU HAVE a sore neck from looking up, wondering what that helicopter is doing making low passes over the town, your ‘Gazette’ has the answer.

The chopper is operated by TasNetworks as part of their ‘Fire Mitigation Programme.’

It involves photographing all the power poles in the area, registering their location and condition.

When a pole is found to be defective, a maintenance crew is sent to repair or replace it, so as to reduce the risk of fire or other damage.

This is an ongoing programme that TasNetworks hopes will improve the detection of problems before they become serious.

Avoid future neck problems. Just turn to the ‘Meander Valley Gazette’ instead.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores


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