Meander Valley Gazette

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Natasha paints faces for fun and profit

Sept 2015 Natasha Shultz face painter 3

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SEPTEMBER 2015 | Joanne Eisemann

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DELORAINE ARTIST Natasha Schultz was recently awarded the top prize in Tasmania Body Art Competition’s inaugural event.

She was delighted to receive the award and hopes to compete at a national level next year.

“I was just doing it for fun to begin with,” says this professional face and body painter.

Natasha began her unlikely career around nine years ago when a friend invited her to help paint faces at the annual Easter Festival held by the river in Deloraine.

Back then, she found painting faces was not as easy as she thought it was going to be, adding, “You know the worst face painting you ever saw? That was mine on that day. It was not good.”

Not one to give up easily, Natasha spent time researching, found out everything she could and taught herself the necessary skills.

She attributes her persistence to the joy she is able to bring to children when the painting is done; sharing, “I love seeing the smiles on their faces, the delight that I bring to them when I show them the mirror.”

Designs painted are mostly of the children’s choice as Natasha is skilled in a variety of designs.

Her favourite subject is the macabre. “I love special effects, all the silicon and prosthetics that you put on the face” shares Natasha. “Gory gruesome things, warts and all, broken bones, eyes hanging out, I love all that.”

Natasha has a regular gig painting faces on the Spirit of Tasmania’s summer day sailings.

She also paints at festivals, corporate events and is a celebrity guest at manybirthday parties.

Contact Natasha via her facebook page Natasha Schultz Face Painting.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores