Meander Valley Gazette

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The world comes to Westbury

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October 2015

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COINCIDING WITH Seniors Week this year is a scientific workshop to explore two chronic diseases of major importance to societies across the globe that predominantly manifest in older people.

Taking place in the Town Hall in Westbury 14th to 16th October, 27 scientists from across Australia as well as New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Canada will dwell deeply on the emerging links between diabetes and dementia.

Discussion will include the understanding that mental decline evident in Alzheimer’s disease can also happen to patients with Type II diabetes.'

The workshop will conclude with a discussion on the implications of these findings, particularly in relation to devising strategies for combating and preventing Type II diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr Gil Stokes, the local contact for this seminar, says, “Given that this meeting is well received, there is an excellent opportunity that preliminary arrangements will proceed for an even larger meeting next March, 2016.”

Westbury provides an ideal, informal and relaxed setting to discuss great science.