Meander Valley Gazette

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Clearing the airwaves

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October 2015

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SERIOUS ALLEGATIONS of deception and malpractice were made at Meander Valley FM’s recent Annual General Meeting (AGM).

The police were called to be in attendance, membership applications were refused and tempers were clearly frayed.

A power struggle has been going on for the past year and a half that has seen the locks being changed, court action threatened, and regular programs taken off the air.

Several calls were fielded at Meander Valley Gazette from people who were upset that they attended the MVFM AGM but had been refused entry despite an article published in the paper’s September edition stating ‘new members welcome.’'

This was a reasonable assumption by the editorial team, given that MVFM took a 65mm x 102mm ad out in the July edition calling for new members.

The ongoing saga needs a positive closure. It would be a great shame to see the many years of diligent work that has gone into building a local radio station go down the gurgler.