Meander Valley Gazette

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Next project for Mountain Huts Preservation Society

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October 2015

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MHPS MEMBERS have already commenced their next undertaking - the rebuilding of Sandy Lake Hut at Lake Mackenzie.

The original hut was built in 1903 to cater for anglers and tourists who visited the area. It was a wooden construction, comprised of two rooms with a large stone fireplace.

The hut fell into disrepair and was subject to vandalism prior to being flooded when the Lake Mackenzie Hydro Electric Scheme came into existence in 1969.

The reconstructed Sandy Lake Hut will be built wherever possible to replicate the original; however, as the previous site is now under water, a new position has been selected 250 metres away and well above the water line.

Timber and cement supplies have been donated and stone for the chimney will be sourced from the local area.

MHPS is working closely with Parks and appreciates the assistance of Rob Buck (senior ranger) and his staff.