Booming backhand

Beryl Sturzaker of chudleigh Tennis North Midweek League

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OCTOBER 2015 | 

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MARGARET YOUD, the treasurer of Deloraine Tennis Club joined the club some forty years ago.

She says “I’ve always made Wednesday my tennis playing day, my day for me. I like the social aspect and it gets me out.”

The courts are owned by the Council and leased to the club for a nominal fee, and since forming in the fifties they have made many improvements to the facility. New courts, clubroom extensions plus safety fencing have all been completed and paid for via many, varied fundraising efforts over the years.

The club caters for differing interests with several teams fielded in the Tennis North Midweek Tennis competition, social tennis and even a farmers group.

An unexpected but very welcome bonus of nearly $10,000 was recently received.

A member who took out a mortgage with ANZ bank nominated the club as the community beneficiaries in a new ANZ program.

“This is just fantastic,” says Margaret. “We are now able to resurface two courts that were becoming unusable.”

To join call Margaret 0448 882 239.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores


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