Meander Valley Gazette

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A tricycle for a trio of Westbury toddlers

Westbury play gym rider Loui Moran 4yrs passengers centre Alice Moran Connor Jensen both aged 2

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OCTOBER 2015 | Sara Fawcett

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LAST MONTH the Westbury Child Health Association Tasmania (WCHAT) celebrated receiving a grant from the Meander ValleyCouncil Community Fund.

It allowed them to purchase new play equipment, including trestles, climbing frames, scrambler net, a walkway and a Tuk Tuk Trike.

CHAT provides programs and facilities that support the care of young children and their families.

Its Westbury branch offers a weekly play gym session every Thursday for 0 to 5 yearolds during school terms from 10.00 to 11.30am at Westbury Sports Centre.

It is free for children under one year old with a $4.00 admission for older children who are CHAT members.

CHAT also focuses on the nutritional and educational aspects of child wellbeing. For example, a program called Food Patch helps parents deal with fussy eaters and knows what a healthy diet for children involves.

This program has trained 355 volunteer peer educators across Tasmania.

A booklet of inspiring and informative stories has also been compiled and was launched in August.

CHAT offers parents the opportunity “to connect with each other through playgroups, pram walking groups, information sessions and the Family Food Patch program.”

“These all aim to provide members with the support and resources needed to raise healthy kids through nutritional food choices and physical activity,” secretary of WCHAT Rebecca Poulton said.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores