Young thespians receive popular acclaim

Esther Badcock 14 of Prospect Vanita Bond 14 of Prospect Gaby Franklin 14 of Prospect Youth DramaEsther Badcock 14 of Prospect Vanita Bond 14 of Prospect Gaby Franklin 14 of Prospect Youth Drama

Esther Badcock 14 of Prospect Vanita Bond 14 of Prospect Gaby Franklin 14 of Prospect Youth Drama

OCTOBER 2015 | David Claridge

PROSPECT HIGH School students were among many groups that performed in the Youth Drama Festival in Deloraine on 14th to 18th September.

Two teams went to the Deloraine Little Theatre with performances titled 'Restaurant Chaos' and 'Villains'.

Grade Eight Drama Supervisor Rachael Hawkins hadbeen preparing the students for their performances.

“We’ve got a group going to present two original pieces that we have been working on for the last couple of months,” Mrs Hawkins said.

“One play was based around a restaurant and what can go wrong, the other group were doing a fantasy piece with superheroes, both are quite different.”

“We do have an entry from time to time (in the festival), but we haven’t done one for a little while though. It was nice to get back and have a really committed group of grade eights this year, this group has done the Launceston competitions as well. Deloraine is a bit of a natural progression from that,” she said.

Gabriella Franklin of Devon Hills, a grade eight student, is part of the Restaurant Chaos performance, playing a few different roles.

“I’ve only started to enjoy drama since grade seven and eight. I like expressing myself and getting to act and be someone else,” Gabriella said.

Callum Piper of Quamby Bend, also of grade eight, performed alongside Gabriella.

“I played Brad, the future fiancé of Gabby, because she is married to someone else while she was dating me,” Callum said.

“Mrs Hawkins had been helping us out if we had trouble figuring out what to do in the drama piece, she would contribute ideas to help move it along,” he said.

The groups performed well with Gabriella Franklin in 'Restaurant Chaos' winning runner-up best actress intermediate.

Youth Drama Winners Junior Ensemble: Annie (St Thomas More’s Catholic Primary School) Intermediate Ensemble: Spocks v Jocks (The Hutchins Middle School) Senior Ensemble: Miss Polly’s Institute for the Criminally Insane (Exeter High School)

Photo | Mike Moores


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