Meander Valley - get involved

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November 2015 

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THE INAUGURAL Meander Valley U3A Art Exhibition will be held in the Deloraine Creative Arts Studio, Emu Bay Road, Deloraine from Saturday 5th December to Sunday 20th December 2015. The official opening is scheduled for 4.00p.m. on Saturday 5th December.

This exhibition, entitled “Opening Doors”,  is designed to showcase paintings and mosaic works produced throughout the year by the thirty members participating in the U3A sponsored art groups.

These artists have enjoyed the opportunity to learn new skills and work in the relaxed atmosphere of the Teaching Studio at Deloraine Creative Arts.  Art Group Leader, Linda Ireland, says that it has been a real privilege to watch the emergence of beginner artists and the reconnection of others whose art had lapsed over the years.

The Exhibition will be open daily for viewing between 10.00a.m. and 4.00p.m.


Putting theory into practice


In the garden with Nell Carr