Mole Creek market a hit

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November 2015 

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THE FIRST Mole Creek Hall market was a wonderful success with 39 stalls booked.

A wide variety of stalls are ensured, as Market policy dictates that only one of each type of stall is present, apart from garage sales, bric a brac, and plants.

Organiser Leanne Stephens says “People work hard to create their items and I feel it is only fair to them to not have another person selling something the same as they do.”

Feedback from the stallholders has been positive.  They appreciate that someone has taken the time to see things from the stallholder’s perspective.

The market had a great vibe to it and the majority of the stallholders will be back again to the next market on 21st November. The two other markets planned are 12th December and 16th of January.


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