Meander Valley Gazette

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Putting theory into practice

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November 2015 

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WINNER OF 2015 Deloraine & Districts Community Bank® Branch Tertiary Scholarship, Maighan Brandwood, describes her first year at the University of Adelaide studying a Bachelor of Development Studies.

Maighan has been living at St Marks Residential College.  “Staying at St Marks has taught me how to balance my life, how to get good grades at uni and still watch the sports games on the weekend,” says Maighan.  Maighan’s studies have included Australian and global politics, Geography, Anthropology and Indigenous scholarship; with disaster relief and indigenous cultures two of her favourite topics. While studying the disaster in Haiti, Maighan says, “I was amazed at how quickly organisations responded but also the level of organisation it took to do the most simplest of things.”

The Deloraine & Districts Community Bank® Branch will offer a Tertiary Scholarship for one student attending university for the first time in 2016. Applications open online 1st December.  More info, plus some of Maighan’s tips for university life, can be found on the Branch’s Facebook page.