Meander Valley Gazette

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Trek from the Tiers to the Cradle?

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November 2015 

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AN ICONIC walking track linking the Great Western Tiers through the Walls of Jerusalem to the Cradle Mountain Track was one of the suggestions raised at a community meeting in Deloraine during October.

The community meeting was hosted by Lyons Liberal MHA Guy Barnett and the Great Western Tiers Tourism Association and involved about 45 local councillors and community representatives. It was also addressed by the Tasmanian Premier, Will Hodgman.

The idea of an iconic new walking track was raised by councillor Rodney Synfield in a bid to capitalise on the popularity of walking tracks and also the World Heritage values of the Western Tiers.

The Premier told the group that he was delighted that the election promise of replacing bridges on the Meander Falls Walk was underway and that there was close co-operation with Tourism Northern Tasmania to develop a unique brand for the region as a touring route.

Mr Hodgman said that “Tasmania is enjoying record numbers of international and interstate visitors, who are looking for experiences the Greater Meander Valley region can offer.”

“As the Meander Valley is able to produce outstanding food and agribusiness offerings for tourists, it is ideally placed to leverage off increasing tourism numbers, many of whom were looking for foods of such quality,” Mr Barnett added.

Moreover, “there were proposals to emphasise the region’s history and pioneering heritage and the desirable lure of the Meander River.”