Would $3,000 help you with your tertiary study?

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November 2015 

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DO YOU know of a student who will be starting tertiary study in 2016?

The Rotary Club of Deloraine invites those students commencing Tertiary education, from the Deloraine and Westbury district, to submit applications for a Tertiary Scholarship being offered by the Club to the value of $3,000.

Written applications outlining academic record, intended study programme, and other relevant information must be forwarded to Vocational Service Director Peter Griffin by Friday 15th January 2016.

Interviews of short listed applicants will be held late January/early February 2016.

Please post all applications to: Peter Griffin, 270 Dunorlan Road, Dunorlan 7304.

For additional details about the scheme, please contact Peter on 0419 348 448.


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