Fun and fantasy for the whole family

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 Zorb balls and pony rides are just a couple of the attractions at this year's Deloraine Show.

TAKE ALL the family along to a few new surprises at the annual Deloraine Show, sponsored by the Deloraine & Districts Community Bank.

The action has been increased by staging Laser Tag and laugh-a-minute fun tumbling in the over-sized Zorb Balls that promise to challenge the teenager in everyone!

If an adrenalin rush is not your thing, then visit the entertainment arenas.

Amongst others on show will be the popular Medieval Knight display, Taiko Drummers, Ron Morgan’s Horsemanship Demonstrations, The Deloraine Big Band and Fashion Parade.

Junior show goers will have lots of fun too with pony rides; free entertainment and activities; mini jeeps, merry-go-round, face painting and jumping castles along with the Snake Man in the child friendly animal nursery.

The Paringa Archery Club will be in attendance with their target range for all to try.  The Apex Train will continually circuit the showgrounds.  Plus, there will be family competitions and a wide range of show bags.

After checking out the traditional livestock, horse and wood chopping competitions, Home Industries and machinery displays, refresh yourself with some food delights and beverages in the covered seating area.

There’s much to see and do this year. The Show starts at 9.00am on Saturday, 21st November with entry at $10.00 Adults/$5.00 Children and Children under 5 go free.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores


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