Meander Valley Gazette

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Nellie carved out her own heritage

Deb West and Charles Payne 89 descendants of Nellie Payne at the exhibition

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NOVEMBER 2015 | Judith-Anne Tahir

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SEEN AT the Westbury Town Hall, one of three venues displaying Nellie Payne’s astounding collection of wood carvings, were Nellie Payne’s only grandson, Charles Payne (89), and her great granddaughter, Deb West.

Charles and Deb were amongst many visitors to Nellie Payne’s Sesquicentenary Exhibition at Westbury, the place of her birth.

He said on viewing her work that he was gob-smacked... he had no idea how many carvings she’d done.

He remembers, as a child, helping his grandmother polish some of the carvings, and how she tried to teach him to carve wood.

He also remembers a time when she had nothing to do, so helped out by digging in their garden.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores