Richard is the wheel deal

Richard Flude Ownlife skateboarding workshop at Hadspen skatepark cropped

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NOVEMBER 2015 | David Claridge

HADSPEN SKATEPARK came alive recently with enthusiasts taking part in a skateboard workshop.

Melbourne Skateboarder Richard Flude and his business partner, Devonport’s former junior Olympian, Rachel Delphin, hosted the event.

“It’s school holidays and it was about having free activities for participants that would allow new people to get involved in skateboarding,” Mr Flude said.

“We bought boards and helmets, played some music and had a lot of the locals come throughout the day who picked up the boards and we were there to provide the expertise.”

“In the afternoon we had Best Trick Comp: 1st. Lachlan Lee, 18, Relbia; 2nd. Thomas Grey, 20, Beaumaris; 3rd. Sam Bartley, 16, Hadspen. “They were really good,” he said.

Richard has some advice for those who are interested in taking up skateboarding.

“What you find when people first step on the board is that they go gung-ho and don’t know how to step on it right, that’s usually when the worst injuries can happen.”

“Its all about standing wide and being relatively ambidextrous so you could be looking one way then you could be looking the other way and your stance would be pretty even.”

“Also, not to be too tense and fearful, better off to go loose and into a roll to avoid breaking your wrist,” he said.

Richard and Rachel are part of Ownlife, their Facebook page says that Ownlife represents the colourful, unique journey every one of us travels. Skateboards and events are our preferred medium to spread the awesomeness.”

There have been other workshops recently around the state, including Latrobe and Port Sorell.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores


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