Meander Valley Gazette

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Workshop strikes a chord

Judy Crees-Morris workshop participantone of those going to France 6and a half thousand dollar french harp

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NOVEMBER 2015 | Sara Fawcett

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THERE WAS a lovely opportunity recently for anyone interested in the harp, to learn about it and play it.

The Harp Weekend in Westbury was put together at the Town Hall by the Harp Society of Tasmania (HST), with support from the Tasmanian Folk Federation, and was open to all interested members of the public.

Many of its members were there that weekend, to showcase the different types of harps and ways of playing.

The musical instruments on display included the nineteen-string lap harps, the fully levered Celtic harps of various sizes, a mountain harp, the pedaled concert harps and even a few chromatic or cross-strung harps.

Throughout Saturday free-guided sessions were open to everyone wanting to try his or her hands at a harp.

For example, those on Harp For Beginners, involved learning a simple piece along with improvising on and warming up for the harp.

There were also plenty of chances to observe members of this harp society play its various instruments and even a group-based performance on Sunday afternoon.

Also on Sunday, was a Build Your Own Lap-Harp workshop.  For the special price of $200, participants could spend the day making a lap harp of their own from a wooden frame, nineteen strings and a cardboard soundboard.

According to HST’s president, Emily Sanzaro, over eighty people attended the weekend, with several joining her harp society. Moreover, by the end of the weekend twelve lap harps had been made.

“We have already been asked several times when the next weekend will be held.  Given the interest shown, the HST is planning to hold a further lap harp workshop,” Emily said.

For more details visit www.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores