Meander Valley Gazette

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Master basic computing

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December 2015

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EVER WONDERED what all those other keys are for on your keyboard? Join Trent on Wednesday 13th January from 10.00am to 12 midday for a guided tour around a computer keyboard. You will pick up some valuable tips and tricks for your computing pleasure.

Or join Trent the following Wednesday morning the 20th of January for an Introduction to Instagram workshop. This short course will cover the basics for those new to this social media platform.

Or, are you worried about clicking on the wrong links in Facebook and getting caught up in something you really didn’t mean to?

Our resident facebook guru Jan will show participants some hints about how to identify facebook hoaxes and other scams, plus a little on how to deal with them if you do happen to get hooked in: Wednesday 27th of January 10.00am to 12 midday.

All courses to be held at Deloraine Online Access Centre21 West Parade Deloraine$15.00 waged, $10.00 conc, $5.00 registered users.

Book your place by phoning 6362 3537 or drop in.