Valley juniors take triathlon challenge

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December 2015

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BRACKNELL, WESTBURY and Deloraine Primary Schools took part in the 2015 Eighth Annual Schools Triathlon Challenge which was held in Devonport on the 25th and 26th November. Also held, in the south, a total of 4,764 students from 130 schools around the statemtook part in the challenge.

The Triathlon consists of swimming, cycling and running for distances matching the ages and abilities of the students.

Tim Smith, the organiser of this year’s triathlon, said that participation was outstanding and he is proud of Tasmanian schools for encouraging participation in the event.

He went on to say Diabetes Tasmania and the Pennicott Foundation were actively working within communities to spread the message of a healthy, active lifestyle for students.

Students were encouraged to become involved, regardless of their current fitness levels, ability, previous experience or preferred sport.

Diabetes Tasmania CEO, Caroline Wells, said it is never too early to practice good habits of healthy eating and active lifestyles.

Bracknell Primary School sports organiser and coordinator for the challenge, Tom Newman, said that he had a team of 19 students from grades 3-6 participating in the event, both as individuals and as a team. They had been very busy training and hoped to do well for their school.

Marcus Cramp, the Challenge coordinator for Westbury Primary School advised that a team of 17 students from grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 enjoyed the event. The Westbury Primary School P & F had supplied a bus to take them to Devonport for the Challenge.

Robert Pennicott, from the Pennicott Foundation, said that the Schools Triathlon Challenge was doing a great job encouraging children to be active, and that a healthy eating message was a vital part in helping students connect with an overall healthy lifestyle.


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