Tanya witnesses stylish community care

Betty turned 101 the day after the visit from Tanya Plibersek

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DECEMBER 2015 | Joanne Eisemann

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FEDERAL DEPUTY Opposition Leader and Shadow Minister for Health, Tanya Plibersek, recently took some time to smell the roses with residents, staff and board members of Kanangra Aged Care Home in Deloraine.

Ms Plibersek, who is a keen gardener, added to her knowledge by quizzing Deloraine Aged Care gardener of 3 years, Wendy Green, while touring the carefully tended sensory gardens surrounding the facility.

Cliff Partridge, Chief Executive Officer of Aged Care Deloraine, conducted the tour, pointing out the many design features that promote a sense of homeliness for residents.

Ms Plibersek was in Tasmania supporting Brian Mitchell in his candidacy for Lyons in the coming federal election. Mr Mitchell encouraged the deputy leader to visit Kanangra to see its fantastic facility for herself.

“He is quite right – it has just been wonderful to see the high level of care and the beautiful surroundings,” said Ms Plibersek.

“I think the great thing about this facility is that you have the national rental affordability units next door. So people who do not need assistance with everyday living can live in a place with subsidised rental and a strong sense of community. But as their needs increase, they can easily move into higher care facilities,” she added.

Her time there was also spent discussing future needs of the local aging population with board members of Aged Care Deloraine.

“Management already have people on waiting lists - both for this facility and the national rental affordability scheme properties.

So being able to invest in rebuilding, expanding and extending services in the future is a really important issue in forward planning,” said Ms Plibersek.


[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores


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In the garden with Nell Carr