Meander Valley Gazette

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Get Christmas hopping by local shopping


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DELORAINE IS a very lucky town this year.

Santa is again making a special visit to hand out gifts at the Train Park from 5.00pm this Christmas Eve.

Folks wanting someone special to receive a gift from Santa on the night should see participating Deloraine stores for details.

Organisers Megan Brinsmead, Patrick Gambles and Jeanette Manning felt that more should be done to encourage people to shop locally this Christmas, to support local businesses and keep Christmas spending in our town. “Every year Deloraine haemorrhages money out to major chain stores, instead of keeping our hard-earned local money in town where it is needed.

To have a vital main street, we all need to support each other. Our town can’t afford another ‘Kmart Christmas’,”said Mrs. Brinsmead.

The Meander Valley Business Association is supporting the project, along with Meander Valley Council and the Deloraine Fire Brigade.

Many local businesses are taking part, and making the effort to put an extra sparkle into our Festive Season this year. This initiative was a wonderful success last year, and will provide a memorable annual community event for Deloraine this year also.

Look for the ‘Buy Here’ signs in participating store windows throughout December and share a little Christmas cheer. Then be at the train park from 5.00pm Christmas Eve with a rug, picnic, or BBQ.

Music, a sausage sizzle, games for the kids, a trophy for best decorated shop window, a prize for best lit house – and of course a 5.00pm visit from Santa! – will make this a Christmas Eve to remember.

Tour maps of our local beautifully decorated and lit homes will also be available in stores and on Google maps during December and on the night.

See participating local stores during December for your someone special to receive a gift from Santa.

Gifts purchased will be gift wrapped and stored in-store, to be collected just before Christmas ready for Santa to hand out on the night.

Where: Deloraine Train Park. When: 5.00pm onChristmas Eve. What to bring: Rug, Picnic, BBQ, Sausage sizzle available.


[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores