Hagley’s ‘Uncle Sam’ connection

Mike Davey Principal  Hagley School  photo courtesy Tas perpetu

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DECEMBER 2015 | Sara Fawcett

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BEING THE agricultural region that it is, it was an honour for the Meander Valley as  a whole to have principal of Hagley Farm School Michael Davy and Tasmanian lead Agricultural teacher Andrew Harris being awarded Hardie Fellowships to study in the United States.

They were among twelve Tasmanian teachers to receive the fellowships at a ceremony in Hobart last month.

The Hardie Fellowship was established in 2002 after the death of Charles Hardie, a Dean at UTAS who imparted in his will that two Trusts of over $7 million were to be established.

These Trusts – The Hardie Fellowship Trust and the Hardie Education Trust – are designed to recognise excellence in the study of education and to allow teachers to further their education abroad.

As a result of being granted this opportunity, Mr Davy and Mr Harris will examine exemplary practices in agricultural education as well as elements of aquaculture, viticulture and sustainability.

As part of this, they will study at Auburn University in Alabama, Cornel University in New York, and the University of California.

“It’s a fabulous opportunity. There are 800,000 students that participate in a formal agricultural education program. So we’re very keen to investigate their programs,” said Mr Davy.

This opportunity to raise Tasmania’s agricultural standards certainly comes at a good time as it is predicted that our agricultural output will expand over the next decade.

“It’s our 160th year as a school and we’re looking to establish some future directions for the school. We want to improve student engagement and retention, and mentor and model good pedagogy in agricultural education,” he said.


[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Tasmanian Perpetual Trustees


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