Michelle lends support

Michelle O byrne  and Joanne Eisemann look at a copy of Meander Valley Gazette

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STATE DEPUTY opposition leader and shadow education minister, Michelle O’Byrne, contacted Deloraine Online Centre when she heard that some Online Centres were under threat of losing funding.

Michelle visited the centre to provide some tips for our campaign and what follows are some of the comments she made during her visit.

“There is the ability to tell local stories that doesn’t happen in communities in other ways and also there is the opportunity that people are safe navigating the online playground or the online world, and people need skills to do that so to lose a facility like this would be concerning.”

“We think the government has come pretty close to, if not already achieved, all the financial savings that it identified so I’m not sure that cutting online access centres meets their previous budget policy anyway.”

“As an MP in parliament I can raise the issue and that has a certain impact, but there is nothing more powerful than the story of an individual who says to a politician, this is why this service matters to me and this is why I want you to sustain and maintain it.”

“Online Access centres are safe places that build community connectedness. Why would you take that away?”

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores


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