State recognition for living legend

Merrilyn Young

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DECEMBER 2015 | Marguerite McNeill

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DELORAINE WOMAN, Merrilyn Young, loves her community and helping others who live in it.

It’s a passion that has shaped her life since childhood and throughout the years has earned her a number of awards.

Last month she stood up again as a finalist in the Heather and Christopher Chong Outstanding Achiever Award, one of the categories in the 2015 Tasmanian Community Achievement Awards.

Although not the winner, Ms Young was happy to have reached finalist status.

“I feel very honoured, “she said.

“All volunteering is good.”

“It is nice to be involved and to get satisfaction out of helping some one.”

A secretary at the Meander Valley Council (including the former Deloraine Council) for almost 40 years, the 53-yearold makes full use of her work skills to support causes and groups in the community.

The Deloraine Football Club sits high on Ms Young’s list of priorities and practically the only thing she doesn’t do for the club is play the game.

As a social committee member and secretary for almost 30 years she is actively involved in numerous activities to support the club.

Her dedication has been recognised by a life membership and last month Ms Young was elected Vice President.

She was also inducted as a “Living Legend of the NTFA” in 2014.

Ms Young is also a stalwart of the Deloraine Show Society where she uses her administration and organisational skills to great advantage to help ensure the ongoing success of the society.

Pearns Steam World in Westbury also represented Meander Valley as a finalist in the Fonterra Australia Agriculture Award category.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores


In the garden with Nell Carr


Albert the Apex train displays his new paint job